Youth Homeless Systems Improvement

Addressing Youth Homelessness in Rural Western North Carolina

Creating pathways to stability for youth through age 24 who are experiencing, have experienced, or are at-risk of experiencing homelessness

Key Objectives

The Partnership is dedicated to creating a sustainable impact through five key objectives:

  • Empowering Youth: Strengthening the capacity of young people in participating communities.
  • Building Partnerships: Establishing a broad, collaborative network across the region.
  • Enhancing Coordinated Entry Systems: Ensuring these systems effectively address the needs of at-risk and homeless youth.
  • Improving Data Practices: Enhancing data collection, analysis, and utilization across different systems.
  • Promoting Equity: Assessing and addressing equity issues within the youth homelessness response system.

Key Activities

The YHSI project will engage in a series of targeted activities, including:

  • Conducting a comprehensive regional needs analysis to guide local strategies.
  • Establishing and supporting Youth Action Boards that empower young people with lived experiences of homelessness.
  • Recommending improvements to Coordinated Entry Systems.
  • Providing training, education, and support to local communities to help implement effective rural response systems for youth homelessness.


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